MEETING Attending:
President Absent: Director of Non Tackle: Meeting Commenced 7 members present; we have a quorum for voting Larry advised that we will be very busy this year; we
need everyone to step up and take an active interest in their roles to
make our program successful. Additions to the agenda: Midget League; Filming and
Strength and Conditioning Reports: ** within 2 weeks Larry requested that Dave-
working on Sports outreach March 8, 12,15,19,22,29 and April 2nd.
QB camp in Oromocto March FNS has 100 sets of JPD gear being shipped to Dave;
smaller gear; ** Dave to send Terry dates to place on the websites;
brochures being sent to the schools; as well give Larry any media
information as we are going to the paper*** Spring Football- this year will grow with FNB setting
guidelines *** Terry- Financial payments came in as scheduled. The only issue is Spring Football there is outstanding money’ owing from the associations. Larry will give Terry the numbers so that he can bill the associations. All bills have been paid. Website- we need to send to Terry so that he can post
things on our website. It is a great way advertisement. Needs to answer
the questions Who, What, When, Where, Why and How much? ** Terry suggested that everything go through Larry
and then he can pass it along to Terry the webmaster. ** Roger- Moncton just finished a level 1 community and level 2. Turn out for level 1 was not good. Planning underway for Spring Program and 50th anniversary (Dinner, Golf Tournament, and University game at Rocky Stone) **Roger to look into the numbers and get back to us.
** Lisa-
Fredericton and There is a possibility of the Saint John Touch League
going flag for women. Larry- president advised that he has been slack due to a new job but is now on track. Larry thanked everyone for everything that they have done and it is starting to show in the comments that we are getting from the public. 2008 was a very successful year but we can still
improve and hopes that we keep an open mind around spring and we need to
at least try it and see if it will work. Motion to accept reports as present. Old Business: Provincials/
Maritime Championships: went very well and was put on by CAMFA. Hosting Policy was very successful and this should be continued. Roger to take his executive for their help in the Maritime. All bills have been paid for both Championships. ** Larry asked CAMFA to send Moncton a critique on
what they did that worked and what did not work so that we can ensure each
organizing is not missing anything** New Business: MFA 50TH-
more information coming out soon; Terry to place on website; $7500 spent
last year on this promotion; 3 events organized- Dinner, Golf Tournament
and University Football Game at Rocky Stone; Time periods May, June and
October. Football
Canada- Director Meetings next week- Roger looking to see if we want
anything brought up. Football FNB would suggest that they need not to run a deficit
as a small province we need to see more grants to keep running. We did
some grants this year. We would like to suggest as well that everyone has
a uniform age group across Provincial
Team- Brochure handed out to executives; based on Time lines and
financial cost- We would like to have a Canada Cup U15 team in 2010; this
year we would like to have an U15 team. Camps books in Financial statement attached of what would be needed;
after clinics are down it would give FNB a data base and they would elect
coaches to run the U15 team Key is to complete the talent id camp and then pick
the u15 team. Fee for the camps is $25 member or $30 non member. Key with
Coaches to align them to ensure that they are all running the same system. Larry advised that this was our goal to get to 2010
in This is FNB programs; we would need to interview
coaching staff. **Dave to correct Brochure from U15 to 15U, and
update age box in brochure to ensure that we are giving a clear message on
the ages** Roger questioned where the funding is going to come
from for put this team in. It will come from Fundraising, Corporate
funding and government grants. **Roger to look into to getting other provinces
financial statements around running a Canada Cup team; so that we can tell
if we are able to financially execute on having this team.** Spring Football: Girls Clinic-
if interested let Lisa know. We would have a weekend clinic, and charge a
flat fee and this is intended to just be promotional clinic for the fall
league. Run JPD for a couple of days, just and introduction. Regional Program: designed around being skills/drills- we need to ensure that we are teaching the kids. 8 weeks of JPD and then 2 weeks of inter city mix. Larry suggested that we create a check list that we give the kids after the season is over on their progress. Larry advised that the high schools are using us to run their teams before their season begins. We are not going to allowing them to just run a team from one school and no other player allowed. We are not going to insure the high school teams. We need to inter mix players and avoid coaches dictating who plays on what teams. We can lay out the 8 weeks for them. ** Dave to lay
out a plan and send it out for us to look at** ** Terry asked what the age categories would be… They
should be designed around the age categories for the fall season. 13 and under skills and drills competition 15 and under; 17 under- games competition (2 weeks) Ages:
Larry asked if the other provinces mean 14 and 13 if they are calling it
U15. We end on odd years and other provinces end in even years.
Larry was just bringing this up as though. FNS is leaning towards
changing their ages. ** Larry to follow up with Richard around what there
ages are, as we hearing that they aligned there ages with us** All play
Policy for Semi Finals/Provincial Finals:
last fall there was a lot of kids that did not play on the
winning and losing team Motion-
for FNB Semi Finals and Finals: AGM- Pass, Punt and
Kick: Larry asked if Pass, Punt and Kick would be more of a thrill if
it was done at the Provincial Championship vs. at We reviewed “We Are One” document, and talked about our plan and where we are. We have
touched on all areas. Some work is still needed though. Planning Meeting 2 Tier Play-offs: Terry provided the group with an example of a lay-out for 2 tiered play- offs This would allow more teams to play at a provincial level. Terry to look at changing the schedule so that the AA
final is the weekend before the AAA final Motion- FNB
sponsors AA and AAA Peewee and Bantam Championships. (Dates and format to
be finalized at a future date). Roger advised that MFA will donate one of the
trophies for the AA championship FC Birthday- February 6-7th; any time during February any football event we can get funding for. We should have Clinics, road table talks about what FNB’s philosophy is and $3500 funding for this. If you do an event in your area we will cover up to
$500 and tie into FC 125TH Birthday. Dave has a plan for February 21st. Dave to
send something out once days are confirmed. Financial Statements: Terry provided us with an updated statement… we are looking very good from a budget stand point. Our player registrations are up 19% from last year. Our overall by almost 33 percent. Dave advised that each of the 3 associations need to
make contact with As well whenever a clinic happening we can apply for
a grant- Dave will write the grant applications for us if we want him to.
We need to ensure that we are following up to see what is spent on
these clinics. Motion: The following rebate are authorized: - Fundy $1,000 re 6 aside Girls - CAMFA $1,000 re 6 aside Girls - MFA $1,000 pending start of 6 aside Girls program - $500 Fundy Expansion of St. George Peewee Team -
$500 CAMFA Expansion to - $500 MFA Expansion of kids flag - $250 MWFL - $250 MFL - $50 for each of the three touch leagues total $150 This is to be distributed at the AGM. ** Send a memo out to the associations advising that
all events need to send through FNB so that we can apply for grant
applications** Larry to complete this task! Purchase 500 t-shirts for all kids that play spring
football –tabled until next meeting ** Everyone within a week sends Larry ideas for the
planning meeting** Meeting adjourned: |